Recently I spoke with someone who was in a relationship she thought was abusive. I asked if she'd discussed with her partner seeing someone to help them change the way they communicate with each other. She said they had and it helped them for a few months, but then he went back to "his ways." I suggested she keep 'diamonds' in her mind. What do I mean by that? There are phrases you can say to yourself to help you have the kind of life, the kind of love you yearn for. Here are two of these diamonds : 'Nothing changes till I change.' If you accept this as an absolute truth, it means you will not lay blame on others for anything. See others as they are and not what you believe they are doing to you. Each of us comes from our own history and have our own path to follow - if you view others from a place of love and compassion, if you do not expect them to give you what they may not be capable of in that moment, then you can walk a...